Personal Coaching

When we support our clients in career development, new positioning, or placement, it often turns out that clients want to discuss personal issues that go along with these change processes.

Frequent changes in the strategy of a company, an increasing pressure on personal and private flexibility, and job losses make people dissatisfied and evoke distress. In some cases it becomes intolerable so that people develop symptoms such as fears, depression, or burn out. In this state it is difficult for most people to convince others that you are the right person for a new position.

Furthermore, in our discussions with clients about new positioning and in recruiting interviews, we observe a change of trend in values. It becomes ever more important that a job brings personal fulfilment and meaning in addition to the salary, and there is a strong need for it to be compatible with a family life to generate quality of life.

To account for this recent development in job life, Conrath Consulting & Coaching provides you with a Personal Coaching that fosters personal presence and assists you to unfold your individual potential. It makes you increasingly independent from clinging to inadequate job situations and supports the freedom and strength to define, pursue and realize your goals. We deal with your personal values and help you to find a meaningful new positioning.

Personal coaching is usually in the form of face to face conversations. Our coaching approach is based on expertise in the fields of psychology, neurology, psycho-linguistic and system theories. We integrate meditation, awareness, and self-exploration practices. In addition we provide you with our practical knowledge and expertise from experience within the commercial, managerial, leadership and personnel fields. We accompany you but do not direct you. We support you to reach your goals by clarifying the choices you have in the way you think, feel and act. We assume that every human being has all the resources s/he needs to independently solve problems even if one cannot always activate these resources so easily. We facilitate you in discovering your own resources to evaluate and integrate resources from the outside, and help you to activate them appropriately when required.

These are some examples of what clients report after several sessions of Personal Coaching with Conrath Consulting & Coaching:

  • Increased ability to cope with difficult situations that are beyond your direct influence
  • The ability to acknowledge where one actually is and be at peace with it
  • The capability to accept failure and learning from it, without loosing the feeling of self worth
  • Growing respect for oneself and for people who are different from us or with whom we disagree
  • A decreasing need to judge oneself and others
  • A feeling of more personal presence and authenticity
  • A growing confidence in one’s abilities
  • A growing ability to recognize when we are reactive in our feelings, thoughts or behaviour
  • More willingness to be a beginner in a new field with little expertise
  • More creativity and interest in new tasks and experiences
  • A growing ability the recognize people’s potential underneath their presentation and beliefs

Personal Coaching is often combined with New Positioning / Placement.